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The pay it forward program is an 11 weeks mini-program which is facilitated by our Ambassadors: Alumni of our 1-year Flagship Fellowship Program for Elite IDF Alumni.

Each Fellowship Alumni undertakes to transfer the key tools and practices he has acquired to at least 6 more people, thus creating what we call ‘a wave of goodness’ and a ripple effect of the conscious leadership content we provide.

We are hopeful that by spreading the word of Conscious Business, Values and Ethics we may bring about a meaningful impact to improve society, while promoting prosperity, peace and freedom.



The learning in done in small study groups of 6-7 members along with an Alumni Ambassador.

The learning methodology is based on Chevruta Learning – direct contact with the material learnt and mutual interaction.

  • 11 weekly meetings of 1 and a half hours (first and the last held physically and the rest are held on zoom).

  • Attendance in the meetings requires a pre-read assignment for every session, of at least another 1 hour (self-managed time).

  • Total time investment by the participants is of 30 hours (18 hours for meetings and 12 hours self-study).


360-degree skill set development based on a wholistic leadership model encompassing both soft and hard skills. Main themes include:

  • Conscious Business 

  • Response-Ability 

  • Humility

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Communication

  • Collaboration

  • Coordination

  • Stoic Philosophy

  • Impact


Participation in this program requires a personal motivation to learn and grow, along with the discipline to invest the amount of time required.

In case you are a member of one of our partner Alumni networks – please contact your Alumni network head.

In case you are not a member of such a partner network – no worries, please contact and we will find a Chevruta Learning group for you. 

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